Hey there!

My name is Darin and I’m the owner and creative behind Shorebird Creative LLC, an illustration and design studio based in Honolulu, Hawaii.

While I was in college, I studied graphic design, fine art, and art history. After deciding that I wanted to stay in Hawaii, I graduated with degrees in business and began working full-time in banking. Eventually I started a side business that allowed me to pursue my creative endeavors.

I enjoy creating and experimenting with all kinds of media, but I work mostly in a digital format.

Besides illustration, I also enjoy photography and graphic design.

Shorebird Creative LLC is a limited liability company.

Some Clients I Have Worked With:

Why Shorebird Creative?

When my daughter was in elementary school, we would walk home together at the end of the day. Along the way, we would sometimes see Pacific Golden Plovers sprinting across grassy areas on campus. With their shiny golden plumage, the bird quickly became her favorite. Whenever I saw one, I'd think of her.

I also learned this bird migrates over 4,000 kilometers every year between Alaska and Hawaii. I thought it was remarkable how such an unassuming bird completes such an epic journey every year.

Shorebird Creative is a tribute to my daughter and a symbol of my endless creative journey.